CG Pre BEd Answer Key 2024: Check Your Answers and Download Pdf Now

The CG Pre BEd Answer Key 2024 is an important resource for candidates who appeared in the Chhattisgarh Pre BEd Entrance Exam conducted on June 30th, 2024. The provided answer key allows students to figure out their scores and analyze how they performed ahead to the official release of results. This article offers a detailed overview of the CG Pre BEd Answer Key 2024, covering crucial dates, the process of getting the answer key, and the importance of the answer key to people aspiring to become teachers.

The Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board (CGPEB), also known as CG Vyapam, conducts the CG Pre BEd Entrance Exam every year to select eligible candidates for the Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) programs offered by various colleges and universities in Chhattisgarh. The entrance exam is highly competitive, with thousands of aspirants vying for a limited number of seats.

The CG Pre BEd Answer Key 2024 is an essential tool for candidates to evaluate their performance in the exam. It contains the correct answers to all the questions asked in the entrance exam, enabling students to calculate their probable scores and identify areas where they performed well or need improvement. Although the initial answer key available is unofficial, the official model answer key is expected to be released in the first week of July 2024. The final results of the CG Pre BEd Entrance Exam 2024 will be announced by the end of July or the first week of August 2024.

UNOFFCIAL ANSWER KEY For CG Pre BEd Question Paper 2024 (SET A)

Download SET A Question Paper From Here (CLICK HERE)


  1. D. uncle
  2. B. Nephew
  3. A. 1 3 4
  4. A. 30
  5. B. RBSHU
  6. A
  7. B. Dilip
  8. A. 22
  9. C. 4
  10. A.
  11. A. 14
  12. B. 25 meters
  13. A
  14. A. 32
  15. D. 6th December
  16. A
  17. B. 1
  18. A. Only (II) follows
  19. D. 528
  20. D. 76
  21. D. Hendecagon
  22. D. Kelvin
  23. C. 5
  24. A. 8
  25. B
  26. A. Friday
  27. B. 98 Explaination 
    1. C. Nehan and his parents stay in an apartment.
    2. D Explanation:
    • In the unfolded cube, the face with the circle and the face with the square cannot be adjacent.
    1. D. SGFHQ
    2. B. (II) is correct
    3. D. 1906
    4. A. Kothari Commission (Education Commission) (1964-66)
    5. D. All are correct
    6. B. (I), (II)
    7. A. (a), (b), and (c)
    8. B. For class 1 to 5 – 180 working days and 800 instructional hours in an academic year. For class 6 to 8 – 180 working days and 720 instructional hours in an academic year.
    9. C. a-IV, b-III, c-I, d-II
    10. A. a-I, b-II, c-III, d-IV
    11. A. Monsoon winds are permanent as trade winds.
    12. A. N.C.E.R.T
    13. A. Regional Rural Banks
    14. C. Both (I) and (II)
    15. C. Both (I) and (II) are correct
    16. D. Impart functional literacy to 80 million illiterate persons in 15-35 age group.
    17. A. 20 Hz – 20 kHz
    18. D. (I), (II), (III), (IV)
    19. B. (I), (II), (IV) are correct
    20. B. Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true but Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of Assertion (A).
    21. D. All are correct
    22. A. (IV), (II), (V), (III), (I)
    23. D. Teaching can be performed with skills, grace and creativity incorporating aesthetics into learning process.
    24. A. Presenting a lot of concepts at a time
    25. B. Concept mapping which is used as a strategy for teaching – learning can also be used as an assessment tool.
    26. C. Providing temporary support and guidance to help students master a new concept or skill.
    27. B. Understanding child
    28. B. Encouraging collaboration and peer support among students.
    29. B. Heterogeneous grouping
    30. C. Conducting psychotherapy sessions
    31. C. They always succeed.
    32. C. Participating in a hands-on workshop.
    33. B. Jigsaw Technique
    34. C. (b) only
    35. Question 64 Match each stage of Kolb learning cycle with its descriptions: Column I
      1. Concrete Experience
      2. Reflective Observation
      3. Abstract Conceptualization
      4. Active Experimentation
      Column II a. Engaging in hands-on experiences b. Workable hypothesis developed are put to test c. Arriving at the abstract conceptualization and developing working hypothesis d. Reflecting on experiences from different perspectives Answer: B
      • I-a: Concrete Experience – Engaging in hands-on experiences
      • II-d: Reflective Observation – Reflecting on experiences from different perspectives
      • III-b: Abstract Conceptualization – Workable hypothesis developed are put to test
      • IV-c: Active Experimentation – Arriving at the abstract conceptualization and developing working hypothesis
    36. Question 65 What is the primary educational benefit of field trips for teaching-learning? Answer: D
      • To provide them with first-hand study experiences of things that cannot be brought into the classroom.
    37. Question 66 Match the teaching method with its description: Column I
      1. Heuristic / Discovery Method
      2. Problem Solving Method
      3. Inductive and Deductive Method
      4. Analytic & Synthetic Method
      Column II a. Involves moving from specific examples to generalization and vice versa b. Encourage learners to actively explore and discover solutions through experience c. Requires breaking down complex concepts into smaller units and vice versa for better understanding d. Involves structured steps for learners to solve problems and reach conclusions Answer: B
      • I-b: Heuristic / Discovery Method – Encourage learners to actively explore and discover solutions through experience
      • II-d: Problem Solving Method – Involves structured steps for learners to solve problems and reach conclusions
      • III-a: Inductive and Deductive Method – Involves moving from specific examples to generalization and vice versa
      • IV-c: Analytic & Synthetic Method – Requires breaking down complex concepts into smaller units and vice versa for better understanding
    38. Question 67 If a child has a mental age of 12 years and a chronological age of 10 years, what will be the IQ of the child? Answer: C
      • IQ = (Mental Age / Chronological Age) * 100
      • IQ = (12 / 10) * 100 = 120
    39. Question 68 Assertion (A): Cochlear implants are effective for children with hearing impairments. Reason (R): Cochlear implants amplify sound to make it louder for the users. Answer: C
      • Assertion (A) is true but Reason (R) is false.
    40. Question 69 Which of the following statements best describes the importance of reflective practices for a teacher? Answer: D
      • Reflective practices assist a teacher in making informed choices and decisions related to teaching-learning.
    41. Question 70 Which of the following is not one of the maxims of teaching for teaching at school level? Answer: B
      • Abstract to concrete
    42. Question 71 Which of the following is not a characteristic of a good achievement test? Answer: B
      • Ambiguity
    43. Question 72 What is the primary role of a teacher in maintaining discipline in the classroom? Answer: B
      • (a) and (b)
        • (a) To create an environment of fear to ensure compliance.
        • (b) To establish clear rules and consequences.
    44. Question 73 What are the four pillars of learning as proposed by UNESCO report (1996)? Answer: C
      • Learning to know, learning to do, learning to be and learning to live together.
    45. Question 74 What is the primary objective of formative assessment? Answer: C
      • To provide ongoing feedback to improve student learning.
    46. Question 75 Match the following qualities of an effective teacher with their corresponding descriptions: Column I
      1. Empathy
      2. Communication skill
      3. Classroom management
      4. Differentiated instruction
      Column II a. Skill in maintaining discipline and creating a positive learning environment b. Capacity to understand and connect with student's feelings and experiences c. Ability to adopt teaching methods to diverse learning styles d. Clear and concise expression of ideas, instruction and feedback Answer: A
      • I-b: Empathy – Capacity to understand and connect with student's feelings and experiences
      • II-a: Communication skill – Skill in maintaining discipline and creating a positive learning environment
      • III-c: Classroom management – Ability to adopt teaching methods to diverse learning styles
      • IV-d: Differentiated instruction – Clear and concise expression of ideas, instruction and feedback
    47. Question 76 Idea of collaborative learning has developed on the basis of the concept of ‘Zone of Proximal Development' propounded by: Answer: C
      • Lev Vygotsky
    48. Question 77 According to Fleming’s VARK model of learning, four (04) types of learning styles are: Answer: B
      • Visual, Auditory, Reading/Writing Preference and Kinesthetic

Question 78

As per NEP 2020, the school education curriculum is divided into the following pedagogical stages:

(a) Preparatory stage (b) Foundational stage (c) Higher Secondary stage (d) Middle stage (e) Secondary stage (f) Elementary stage

Answer: B

  • (a) Preparatory stage
  • (b) Foundational stage
  • (d) Middle stage
  • (e) Secondary stage

Question 79

Which of the following statements is not correct in reference to Art Integrated Learning (AIL)?

Answer: D

  • For using AIL in the classroom, a teacher needs special training in Art Education.

Question 80

Assertion (A): In the constructivist approach, learners' social and cultural background significantly impact their ideas. Reason (R): Constructivism emphasizes that knowledge is actively constructed by the learner through interaction, perception, and experience, not merely imposed by teachers.

Answer: A

  • Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A).

Question 81

‘कल' का अनेकार्थक शब्द है:

Answer: C

  • (a), (b), (c) एवं (d)

Question 82

“मैनेजर ने कहा तुम्हे घर घर जाकर सूचनाएँ इकठ्ठी करनी होगी”

Answer: A

  • मैनेजर ने कहा, “तुम्हे घर-घर जाकर सूचनाएँ इकठ्ठी करनी होगी।”

Question 83

वाक्य के अंग होते हैं:

Answer: A

  • 03

Question 84 to 90

Question 84

Answer: D

  • बैंगनी रंग

Question 85

Answer: C

  • तांबा

Question 86

Answer: A

  • a-IV, b-I, c-II, d-III

Question 87

जिन स्वरों का उच्चारण केवल मुख से होता है, उन्हें कहते हैं:

Answer: B

  • स्वतंत्र

Question 88

उचित वर्तनी युक्त शब्द का चयन कीजिए:

Answer: D

  • मैथिलिशरण

Question 89

‘चटाका' शब्द है:

Answer: C

  • देशज

Question 90

उचित सम्बन्ध जोड़िए:

स्तंभ – I (a) राम किताब पढ़ आया
(b) राम किताब पढ़ आया है।
(c) राम किताब पढ़ आया था
(d) राम किताब पढ़ आया होगा

स्तंभ – II (I) संदिग्ध भूत
(II) पूर्ण भूत
(III) सामान्य भूत
(IV) आसन्न भूत

Answer: A

  • a-III, b-IV, c-II, d-I

Question 91

Choose the correct one word substitute for – An accolade or honour bestowed in recognition:

Answer: D

  • laurel

Question 92

Choose the correct coordinating clause: ‘It stopped raining and the traffic started rushing.'

Answer: C

  • ‘It stopped raining' ‘the traffic started rushing'

Question 93

Choose the correct spelling: Take the place of a person or thing previously in authority or use-

Answer: B

  • supersede

Question 94

Choose the correct preposition: She was born —— December —— midnight.

Answer: C

  • in, at

Question 95

Before Barnes could get into the house-

Answer: C

  • a car came

Question 96

Barnes wanted to-

Answer: B

  • take his tools

Question 97

This story is about-

Answer: D

  • two thieves

Question 98

Which of these sentences suggest that Lacey and Barnes were Thieves?

Sentences: (I) They had a car.
(II) They were wearing dark clothes.
(III) They put on gloves.
(IV) Barnes wanted to take a gun.
(V) Barnes was afraid of dogs.
(VI) Lacey could whistle.
(VII) They ran away when the car came.

Answer: A

  • (II), (III), (IV), (VII)

Question 99

Choose the correct order of sentences:

Sentences: (I) Lacey could not open the kitchen door.
(II) Lacey and Barnes came to a yard.
(III) A car approached the house.
(IV) Lacey and Barnes entered the garden through a small gate.
(V) Lacey got into the house through a small window.
(VI) Lacey and Barnes were waiting in their car.

Answer: D

  • (IV), (II), (I), (V), (VI), (III)

Question 100

Lacey and Barnes were waiting for:

Answer: B

  • a signal

Importance of the CG Pre BEd Answer Key 2024

The answer key serves multiple purposes for the candidates:

  1. Score Estimation: By comparing their answers with the correct answers provided in the answer key, candidates can estimate their scores and get an idea of their chances of qualifying for the B.Ed program.
  2. Transparency: The answer key ensures transparency in the examination process by allowing candidates to verify the correctness of the answers.
  3. Feedback: Candidates can identify their strengths and weaknesses based on the correct and incorrect answers, helping them prepare better for future exams.

How to Access the CG Pre BEd Answer Key 2024

To access the CG Pre BEd Answer Key 2024, candidates can follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Official Website: Go to the official CG Vyapam website at
  2. Navigate to the Answer Key Section: Look for the link to the CG Pre BEd Answer Key 2024 on the homepage or under the ‘Latest Updates' section.
  3. Download the Answer Key: Click on the link to download the PDF file of the answer key.
  4. Cross-Check Your Answers: Open the PDF file and cross-check your answers with the correct answers provided in the answer key.

Important Dates for CG Pre BEd Entrance Exam 2024

CG Pre BEd Entrance Exam30th June 2024
Release of Official Model Answer KeyFirst week of July 2024
Announcement of ResultsEnd of July or First week of August 2024

For the convenience of candidates, here are some important links related to the CG Pre BEd Entrance Exam 2024:


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