SGGV Sarguja University Result 2024 Declared: Check B.Com, B.A., B.Sc., M.A., M.Sc., LL.M. and More Fast Link Now

Sarguja University Result 2024: Sarguja University, a distinguished educational institution in India, has gained great admiration and recognition for its dedication to academic brilliance and complete student growth. The university was founded with the aim of delivering excellent instruction across different fields of study. It provides a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs, such as Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), Master of Arts (M.A.), Master of Science (M.Sc.), and Master of Laws (LL.M.), among others.

In 2024, Sarguja University has made an important step in its goal to promote transparency and ease of access by releasing the results for several courses on its online platform. The selection not only highlights the university's dedication to using technology for better academic administration but also ensures that students can quickly and efficiently access their results, no matter their location. The speedy release of results matters as it enables students to plan their future actions, such as continuing higher education, studying for competitive tests, or going on their professional careers.

The process of confirming the findings has been improved to enable easy access for students. Students can easily get their results by entering their enrollment or roll numbers on the university's official website. Sarguja University's use of a user-friendly strategy shows its understanding of the importance of convenience and effectiveness in the contemporary, fast-paced society. In addition, the university offers chances to take revaluation, retotaling, and additional tests, enabling students to correct any discrepancies or improve their academic performance through various means.

Overview of Sarguja University Results 2024

University Details

University NameSarguja University
Courses Offered
  • UG: B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., B.C.A., B.Lib, etc.
  • PG: M.A., M.Sc., LL.M., etc.
Exam TypeAnnual / Semester / Supplementary / CBCS
Exam ModeOffline
Result DeclarationOnline
Result StatusReleased

Latest Result Updates

The table below lists the latest results declared by Sarguja University along with their release dates: and also can be access by

Exam NameRelease DateResult Link
B.Com Part One (10+2+3) 3YDC13 June 2024Click here
B.Com Part Two (10+2+3) 3YDC12 June 2024Click here
B.Com Part Three (10+2+3) 3YDC11 June 2024Click here
Revised Result B.C.A Part One (New Course)10 June 2024Click here
B.A. BEd 04 Year Integrated Course (First Year)10 June 2024Click here
B.C.A Part Two4 June 2024Click here
B.Lib (I Year Degree Course)4 June 2024Click here
M.Sc. in Information Technology (First Semester)1 June 2024Click here
M.Sc. in Information Technology (Third Semester)1 June 2024Click here
M.Sc. in Computer Science (Third Semester)1 June 2024Click here
Bachelor of Physical Education and Sports I Sem.1 June 2024Click here
LL.B. Part Three (I Sem.) (New Course)1 June 2024Click here
B.C.A Part One (Old Course)30 May 2024Click here
M.Sc. in Zoology (Fourth Semester)30 May 2024Click here
M.A. in Economics (Fourth Semester)29 May 2024Click here
M.A. in Geography (Second Semester)29 May 2024Click here
M.Sc. in Computer Science (Second Semester)29 May 2024Click here
M.Com (Fourth Semester)29 May 2024Click here
B.B.A. (First Semester)28 May 2024Click here
M.Sc. in Computer Science (First Semester)27 May 2024Click here
M.Sc. in Biotechnology (Third Semester)27 May 2024Click here
M.Sc. in Botany (Third Semester) (Old Course)24 May 2024Click here
B.A. BEd 04 Year Integrated Course (Second Year)24 May 2024Click here
B.A. BEd 04 Year Integrated Course (Third Year)24 May 2024Click here
B.A. BEd 04 Year Integrated Course (Fourth Year)24 May 2024Click here
Shastri Part One (10+2+3) 3YDC22 May 2024Click here
B.Ed. Semester I22 May 2024Click here
M.Sc. in Zoology (First Semester)22 May 2024Click here
M.Sc. in Zoology (Third Semester)17 May 2024Click here
Bachelor of Pharmacy Semester – III17 May 2024Click here
Revised Result M.Sc. in Botany (Third Semester)17 May 2024Click here
M.Sc. in Microbiology (Third Semester)14 May 2024Click here
M.Com (First Semester)14 May 2024Click here
Shastri Part Three (10+2+3) 3YDC14 May 2024Click here
Acharya Navvyakaran (Previous)11 May 2024Click here
Bachelor of Physical Education 4YDC Part-Four11 May 2024Click here
Acharya Sahityam (Previous)11 May 2024Click here
Bachelor of Physical Education 4YDC Part-Two11 May 2024Click here
Bachelor of Physical Education 4YDC Part-Three11 May 2024Click here
M.S.W (First Semester)8 May 2024Click here
M.Sc. Chemistry (Third Semester)8 May 2024Click here
M.S.W (Third Semester)8 May 2024Click here
M.Sc. in Physics (First Semester)6 May 2024Click here
M.Sc. in Physics (Third Semester)6 May 2024Click here
LL.M. Third Semester3 May 2024Click here
LL.M. First Semester3 May 2024Click here
LL.M. Second Semester3 May 2024Click here
M.A. Education (Third Semester)3 May 2024Click here
M.A. History (Third Semester)3 May 2024Click here
M.A. in Economics (First Semester)3 May 2024Click here
M.Com (Third Semester)2 May 2024Click here
M.Sc. in Zoology (Second Semester)2 May 2024Click here
Revised Result M.Sc. in Computer Science (Fourth Semester)30 Apr 2023Click here
M.A. in Political Science (Second Semester)25 Apr 2024Click here
M.Sc. in Mathematics (Fourth Semester)25 Apr 2024Click here
M.Sc. in Mathematics (Second Semester)25 Apr 2024Click here
M.Sc. in Botany (Second Semester) (Old Course)24 Apr 2024Click here
M.A. Education (First Semester)24 Apr 2024Click here
M.Sc. in Botany (Fourth Semester)24 Apr 2024Click here
M.A. in Sociology (Fourth Semester)19 Apr 2024Click here
M.A. in Sociology (Second Semester)19 Apr 2024Click here
M.A. in Hindi (Second Semester)19 Apr 2024Click here
M.A. in English (Fourth Semester)19 Apr 2024Click here
M.Sc. in Home Science (Human Development) Fourth Semester9 Apr 2024Click here
M.Sc. in Environmental Science (Third Semester)9 Apr 2024Click here
M.A. History (Fourth Semester)8 Apr 2024Click here
M.Sc. in Farm-Forestry (I, II, III, IV Semester)4 Apr 2024Click here
LL.B. Part Three (II Sem.) (New Course)28 Mar 2024Click here
Supplementary Exam Retotaling Result B.A. Part Two (10+2+3) 3YDC11 Mar 2024Click here
Supplementary Exam Retotaling Result B.A. Part One (10+2+3) 3YDC11 Mar 2024Click here
Supplementary Exam Retotaling Result B.A. Part Three (10+2+3) 3YDC11 Mar 2024Click here
Retot Result M.A. (Previous) Hindi19 Jan 2024Click here
Retot Result M.Com. (Final)19 Jan 2024Click here
Reval Result B.B.A Part One19 Jan 2024Click here

How to Check Sarguja University Results

Follow these steps to check your Sarguja University results:

  1. Visit the official website of Sarguja University.
  2. Click on the ‘Notifications/Circular’ tab at the top-right corner of the page.
  3. Find the ‘Latest Updates’ section on the next page.
  4. Under this section, click on the ‘Results’ link.
  5. You will be redirected to a new page; locate and click on the desired result link.
  6. Enter your ‘Roll Number’ or ‘Name’ and click on ‘Search’.
  7. Your result will be displayed; save it and take a printout for future reference.

Revaluation/Retotaling and Supplementary Examination

Students who are not satisfied with their results can apply for revaluation/totalling. Those who fail in any examination can apply for supplementary exams.

Steps to Apply for Revaluation/Retotaling & Supplementary Examination

  1. Visit the official website of Sarguja University.
  2. Click on the ‘Notifications/Circular’ tab at the top-right corner.
  3. Find the ‘Latest Updates’ section and click on the ‘Revaluation & Retotaling’ link.
  4. You will be redirected to a new page where you can apply for the desired form.
  5. Follow the same steps as mentioned above to check the results for RV/RT and supplementary exams.

Examination Time Table 2024

Students can check the examination timetable for their respective courses on the official website by following these steps:

  1. Visit the official website of Sarguja University.
  2. Click on the ‘Notifications/Circular’ tab at the top-right corner.
  3. Click on the ‘Time Table’ tab on the next page.
  4. Find and click on the desired course-wise link.
  5. A ‘.pdf’ file will download; open it to check the complete examination schedule.


Latest Results

Latest Updates

SGGV Sarguja University Result 2024 Declared: Check B.Com, B.A., B.Sc., M.A., M.Sc., LL.M. and More Fast Link Now

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